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Ways to Maintain your Mental Health and Work a Stressful Job

‘Burn out’ is exhaustion which occurs as a result of excessive demands on energy, strength, or resources. It is usually experienced as physical, mental and emotional debilitation and is often caused by a stressful job.

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How Mental Health Training Became Fundamental To Your Business

Mental Health at Work training involves coaching line managers and HR staff so that they’re able to spot signs of stress in their teams and provide timely and appropriate support to employees.

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4 Tips to Supporting Your Staff on Time To Talk Day

Time To Talk day happens every year in February and provides an excellent opportunity for businesses across the UK to encourage their staff to talk about mental health. 31% of people have experienced mental health issues at work. Tragically, some still feel ashamed to tell their colleagues how they feel and therefore don’t get the support they need.

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Here Is How To Help Your Team Feel Happy At Work

Feeling happy at work is important for everyone. To ensure that teams are enjoying themselves every day and coming into the office with a renewed sense of purpose and energy, it is important to adjust your office culture to their needs, so that each team member is able to thrive.

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5 Ways to Wellbeing

The '5 Ways to Well-being', developed by the New Economics Foundation, are a set of evidence-based actions to improve personal wellness. These steps were developed to support a healthy mind, similar to the guidance on eating 5 fruit and vegetables per day for a healthy body.

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Mental Health during the Festive Season

With Christmas only 1 week away, people across the country are working hard, under pressure to ensure that everything is perfect for just that one day.

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How To Have A Christmas Social Without Alcohol

It’s that time of year again. Orders for Christmas jumpers are being placed, venues are being booked and your whole team is preparing to make this year’s Christmas social 10x better than last year’s.

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5 Ways To Prepare Yourself For Your First Day In A New Role

Anyone starting a new role is always going to be a bit nervous. Being surrounded by a supportive team will help you loads as you settle into your new position. However, even when you’re surrounded by a great team, it can be difficult to adjust to a brand-new working environment.

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Why Employers Should Be Concerned About The Lack Of Mental Health Support At UK Universities

In April 2018, Bristol University student Natasha Abrahart was found dead. She had taken her own life. She was one of ten students at this university alone who took their own lives over an eighteen-month period from the winter of 2016 to the spring of 2018.

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Why Work Still Needs To Be Done To Raise Awareness Of Mental Ill-Health In The Workplace

Being World Mental Health Day, today is a great opportunity to draw attention to aspects of mental ill-health which often go unseen in the workplace. 

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