In April 2018, Bristol University student Natasha Abrahart was found dead. She had taken her own life. She was one of ten students at this university alone who took their own lives over an eighteen-month period from the winter of 2016 to the spring of 2018.
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Being World Mental Health Day, today is a great opportunity to draw attention to aspects of mental ill-health which often go unseen in the workplace.
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Sometimes, physical illness requires a member of staff to take time off work to recuperate. The same is also true of mental ill-health. It is crucial that individuals treat staff who are off work due to mental ill-health in exactly the same way as they would treat that staff member if they missed work while recovering from a broken arm.
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When you finish your working day, do you feel like you have accomplished what you wanted to? That you were as creative and efficient as you could have possibly been? Or do you have days where you leave work, with unfinished projects in your wake, feeling like you could have done so much more with your time?
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Whether or not you are suffering from a mental illness, you have mental health. Just as physical health should be looked after, so should your mental health.
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How do you feel after you spend extensive time on social media?
Recent research underlines how the psychological effects are highly relative to the individual, and Facebook has acknowledged the detrimental effects as well as offering some new features to attempt to tackle them.
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For years, students across the country have been forced to look outside of the classroom to obtain crucial awareness and support over issues that affect their mental health every day.
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The idea that a single ‘type’ of employee is required for a business to thrive is totally false. Imagine if you only had one type of way to play football, or one single way to play tennis. Some of the most innovative sports stars of the past century would never have defined our culture in the way they have, if their creativity had been ignored.
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5 easy ways to increase your wellbeing in the workplace and beyond.
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A young entrepreneur from the West Midlands has been invited to speak alongside multi-millionaire business founders at the Peter Jones Foundation’s inaugural Festival of Enterprise, EntFest, on the 11th June, hosted by the University of Buckingham.
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