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One of the UK’s Rising Entrepreneurial Stars Will Share the Stage with Top Tycoons

​A young entrepreneur from the West Midlands has been invited to speak alongside multi-millionaire business founders at the Peter Jones Foundation’s inaugural Festival of Enterprise, EntFest, on the 11th June, hosted by the University of Buckingham.

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It’s OK Not To Be OK

An Awkward Hello. How many times have you bumped into an acquaintance during the day and muttered, ‘hello, how are you?', not because you are genuinely interested in their day, but because you are seeking to fill an awkward silence with a quintessentially British remark?

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And Breathe…. Let’s Stop Stress Together

It was all going so well. We know the feeling. Everything is going brilliantly at work, you’ve planned out your entire week and then, suddenly, a crisis comes crashing around your ears.

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Better Wellbeing is Best for Business

​Did you forget something? Business owners remember many things on a daily basis, such as their schedule for the day, the profits they would like to make for that month, and the exact time of an upcoming meeting with their accountant. However, one thing crucial to a companies’ growth is forgotten all too often. The health and wellbeing of its staff.

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Feelings Matter – How Talking About Mental Health Saves Lives

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) recently partnered with ITV to display 84 statues from the rooftops of their studio, representing the 84 men who take their own lives every week.

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The impact of social media on young people's mental health

According to the national charity Papyrus (2018), children as young as 9 years old are contacting helplines to discuss suicidal thoughts as a result of online bullying. Between 30% to 40% of 11-18-year olds are contacting the helpline 'hopeline' as they feel there is no escape.

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How to get healthy after Easter

How did January transform into February, and then shoot into March, before somehow ending up in April? Many people get so caught up in work in the first quarter of the year that they forget about the most important aspect of their lives, their health. After some well earned rest over the Easter Bank Holiday, now is the perfect time to get healthy.

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Why choose Altruist Enterprises for Mental Health First Aid training?

5 reasons to choose Altruist Enterprises for your Mental Health Awareness training.

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Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)?

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training teaches participants how to recognise the early signs of stress and mental health problems and to respond appropriately. It’s about providing support rather than solutions.

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Are Women Being Forgotten in Mental Healthcare?

In December 2017, the Mental Health Foundation published a report that focused on the worsening situation amongst women and girls regarding mental health and wellbeing, entitled While Your Back Was Turned: How Mental Health Policy Makers Stopped Paying Attention to the Specific Needs of Women and Girls.

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