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Thank You for Your Support! - SEYA 17

Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who voted for Altruist Enterprises for the Lloyds Bank Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award (SEYA). We were one of the top five finalists selected for the impact we’ve created, the growth we’ve achieved, and the potential of our plans to succeed.

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Key Takeaways from the 'Thriving at Work' Review of Mental Health and Employers

We all have mental health. Mental health problems include common issues such as anxiety and depression and less common illnesses such as Bipolar Disorder and Psychotic Disorders. Although 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem in any given year, it is less openly discussed than physical health.

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Places that Make Us: The Importance of Location in Self and Mental Health

In a unique research endeavour, the National Trust set out to ascertain the link between people and place, to find out more about this long acknowledged, but little understood, complex human relationship with locations.

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Mental Health: Fact or Myth?

There are many common misconceptions floating around about the impact and management of mental health. In order to dispel some of these misconceptions, here are 5 statements about mental health which are either a ‘FACT’ or a ‘MYTH’.

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3 Simple things you can do this World Mental Health Day

​Today marks World Mental Health Day 2017 with this year's theme being workplace wellbeing.

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How To Improve your Emotional Intelligence

Despite the heavy emphasis placed on the importance of one’s IQ, intelligence in academia and the workplace, there is a lesser known type of intelligence which is just as, and arguably more so, important for success in the workplace.

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The Future of Your Company Involves Stress Management Training

Mismanagement of mental health problems in the workplace are costing UK businesses £30.3 billion per year. Failure to implement strategies to support employees, may result in organisations experiencing problems with presenteeism, absenteeism and lack of engagement and motivation in staff.

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Campaign to fund mental health education for Birmingham children

Katie Buckingham, founder of Altruist Enterprises, needs your help in a campaign to deliver mental health awareness workshops to young people in Birmingham.

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5 Things about Absence Management You Need to Know

​Employee absence is currently a major issue for UK businesses with employers facing a yearly bill of around £9 billion for sick pay and associated costs with individuals missing out on £4 billion a year in lost earnings.

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5 Common Signs a Child is Being Bullied

In 2016, it was demonstrated that an adult at school was notified in less than half of all bullying incidents (Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2016).

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