5 Ways to Increase Productivity at Work

When you finish your working day, do you feel like you have accomplished what you wanted to? That you were as creative and efficient as you could have possibly been? Or do you have days where you leave work, with unfinished projects in your wake, feeling like you could have done so much more with your time? 

If you do not feel like you are productive as you could be; change it. There are ways that you can work on increasing productivity, remaining focused, and fitting more into every hour of your working day. Listed here are five simple ways that you could increase your work productivity and get the satisfaction of knowing that you have completed all the tasks that you had set every day.

1. Make Lists

It might sound tedious but to-do lists are fantastic productivity aids. By having a clear idea of exactly what needs to be done on each day, and making a list the night before, you can prevent wasting valuable time at work when you’d usually be trying to figure out what needs to be done, and in which order. Making lists also helps to ensure that you are prioritising tasks appropriately. You will find that being able to tick one task off your list is satisfying in itself and thus serves as motivation for you to continue your productivity to the next item on that list. Finishing your day with a completed to-do list is a feeling that everyone should experience as often as possible.

2. Get rid of Distractions

How much time do you spend checking emails and social media whilst you have more pressing things to do? Most of us would say that this happens all too often. To be productive, try to shut down the noise distracting you. Turn off your email and phone notifications and limit your time checking them. Try designating a certain amount of time per day to checking your emails and phone, the rest of the time do not give in to temptation!

3. Reduce your Multi-Tasking

It might seem like a time-saver but it has been found that multi-tasking can actually be more harmful than helpful. People who try to do two or more tasks at the same time become distracted and the quality of their work is less than might have been if they had designated a specific amount of time to complete each task individually.

4. Manage Time in Small Blocks

There has been some research which suggests that the brain can only fully focus for 25 minutes at a time on a single task. Taking five-minute breaks often keeps you on track better than tiring yourself out completely and then taking long breaks, during which you may lose your motivated mindset. Everyone is different in how long they can focus, so try this time frame and see how it works for you.

5. Try the Two Minute Rule

Entrepreneur Steve Olenski recommends implementing the "two-minute rule" to make the most of small windows of time that you have at work. The two-minute rule is that if you see a small task that you know you can complete in less than two minutes, do it straight away. Not only will you have gotten a small task out the way without having think to remind yourself, but you can also experience the satisfaction of a task done, which is likely to motivate you to continue your productive streak.

Altruist Enterprises are an experienced provider of Resilience Training and Online Resilience Training for between 8-16 employees at a time. They will learn the vital skill of how to effectively cope with stress and adversities at home and in the workplace in order to become more productive.

Lara Son

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