5 Ways Depression Can Affect an Employee
Depression is more common than you think with 1 in 5 people experiencing depression at some point in their lives.
Read full articleDepression is more common than you think with 1 in 5 people experiencing depression at some point in their lives.
Read full articleModern life is increasingly busy, aiming to get from A to B as quickly as possible, with often little acknowledgement of yourself or your surroundings.
Read full articleWe all have down days from time to time, whether it is due to a bad day at work, waking up feeling a bit under the weather, or just because of the general stresses associated with everyday life.
Read full articleEveryone experiences stress and anxiety at some points in their life, whether it is their first day of work, in the moments before giving a presentation to a large group of people, or just if their workload becomes too high to cope with. However, there is a point when levels of anxiety become abnormal, and can be an indicator of a disorder.
Read full articleStress and mental health problems are common with 1 in 6 employees likely to experience problems with stress, anxiety and depression at any one time. You are probably working with someone with a mental health problem.
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Read full articleGuest blog on stress and your body written by Dr Barry G Lambert, consultant paediatric anaesthetist and co-founder of Medstars www.medstars.co.uk
Read full articleI am honoured to have been asked to blog for the Huffington Post. Check out my first blog here for 5 Tips to Managing Stress and Anxiety.
Read full articleO2 Pay £110,000 To Stressed Worker! In a hearing at the Court of Appeal, telecoms giant O2 has been ordered to pay damages of nearly £110,000 to an accountant who suffered ill-health due to excessive working hours and demanding workload.
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