Mental Health at Work Training For Employees

A three-hour mental health at work training course for the wider employee base. This mental health and wellbeing in the workplace course has been designed to increase awareness and understanding of mental health, and will give all staff confidence in approaching the subject within the workplace.

To find out more and book this Mental Health at Work Training For Employees Training, please visit our contact us page, call 0121 271 0550 or email Or try our free 3-minute Mental Health Workplace Audit to assess your current wellbeing provision.

Everyone benefits from improved mental health awareness. It empowers employees to look after their own personal mental health and wellbeing, and it also instils a culture of supporting good mental health throughout an organisation. Yet, some people still find it difficult to have conversations about mental health – either because of a lack of understanding or because of a sense of stigma around the subject. Our Mental Health at Work Training For Employees will tackle those barriers, leaving participants more comfortable and confident when discussing mental health issues.

This training course is beneficial for all employees and can serve as a key part of your overall employee wellbeing strategy. Participants will complete this workplace wellbeing course with a better understanding of the factors that cause poor mental health and be able better look after themselves and their colleagues.

This course offers delegates the opportunity to take notice of their own health and wellbeing and identify strategies to support themselves and their colleagues.

This course is supported by West Midlands Academic Health Science Network (WMAHSN), an NHS organisation.

Why should your organisation take this course?

  • To raise awareness of mental health and challenge workplace stigma
  • Reduce sickness and absence arising from mental health problems
  • The course is non-prescriptive and provides employees with a range of tools to enable them to support themselves and each other effectively
  • Return on Investment: For every £1 invested in workplace mental health interventions, organisations see a return on investment of between £1.50 and £9 (Thriving at Work Review).

Statistics on workplace stress:

  • Work-related stress is the most common force of stress in the UK, with only 1% of people saying that they ‘never’ experience work stress (Perkbox)
  • A quarter of Britons say they have a mental health problem, and 63% say they know someone who does (YouGov)
  • For every £1 invested in workplace mental health interventions, organisations see a return on investment of between £1.50 and £9 (Thriving at Work Review)
  • 79% of organisations have reported stress-related absence and this figure rises to 90% for large organisations (CIPD)
  • In 2020/21 stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill health cases. (HSE)

What are the benefits of Mental Health at Work Training For Employees?

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define mental health and some mental health issues
  • Understand factors that affect mental health
  • Recognise some of the signs and symptoms of stress and mental health issues
  • Feel confident about starting mental health conversations
  • Take steps to improve own mental well-being

What to expect from this Mental Health At Work Training:

Mental Health at Work Training For Employees can be delivered on-site at your premises to a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 16 delegates. Learning takes place through a mixture of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities.

Everyone who completes the course will receive:

  • A ‘Mental Health at Work’ training booklet to use for further reference
  • A certificate of attendance
  • The opportunity to take follow-up courses including ‘Mental Health at Work: Managers’ and the ‘Mental Health at Work’ refresher e-learning course

Course Location:

We are based in Birmingham but are experienced in providing face-to-face training throughout the UK, depending on your organisation’s requirements. We also run an Employee Mental Health Awareness Online Training Course.

How much does Mental Health at Work Training for Employees Cost?

Prices start from £122.50 + VAT per delegate (up to 8 people).

How to book:

To find out more and book this Mental Health at Work Training For Employees Training, please visit our contact us page, call 0121 271 0550 or email

We also provide corporate wellness Lunch and Learn sessions.

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