Workplace Wellbeing Strategy Design and Implementation

We will work with you to deliver a comprehensive workplace wellbeing strategy that will help embed wellbeing into your company culture, and create a healthy, positive, and more productive workforce.

To find out more about our Workplace Wellbeing Strategy Design and Implementation service, please call 0121 271 0550, email or contact us.

Organisations that take a strategic approach to employee wellbeing are more likely to report positive achievements (CIPD Health and wellbeing at work 2022: Survey report).

The aim of a workplace wellbeing strategy is to instil a culture of wellbeing that permeates every aspect of your organisation. It should cover policies and processes, the way people talk to each other, the tone from the top, how decisions are made, and the way business is carried out with clients.

Our three-stage approach

A culture of workplace wellbeing must be deliberately cultivated. It requires a strategic approach that drives change and monitors progress to ensure effectiveness.

We use a three stage approach to develop your wellbeing strategy:

  1. Audit: developing a shared understanding of where you are now and where you want to be
  2. Strategic Approach: creating a strategy that sets out how to achieve this and how we will measure success
  3. Implementation Plan: advising on a programme of work that will communicate and embed wellbeing into the company culture

Stage 1: Audit

Before you can move forward you need to understand where you are; what already contributes to a good well-being culture; and what is hindering instilling this in the organisation. Our comprehensive audit involves:

  • Desk-Based Review: We scrutinise your key policies, processes, and procedures, and analyse existing data such as engagement surveys, absence records, and employee assistance program data.
  • Employee Wellbeing Survey: We conduct an online survey to understand your staff's perspective on leadership, management, communication, decision-making, ways of working, and the physical environment.
  • Employee Focus Groups: We gather comprehensive insights into what's driving your current wellbeing levels through focus groups.
  • Leadership Discussions: We engage with key members of your leadership team for deeper insight into your organisation's vision, mission, and strategic goals.

Stage 2: Strategic Approach

Once we have collected and analysed your data and people’s insights we will work on designing your well-being strategy. This will involve:

  • Our findings: Discussions with you about what our audit has found
  • Written draft: A draft strategy document which will include an organisational statement on why wellbeing matters to your company, actions to be taken, and recommendations on how change and success will be measured.
  • Review: Further discussion with you to ensure the strategy meets your needs.

Stage 3: Implementation Plan

Once the strategy is approved, we will then work on an implementation plan detailing specific actions, timeframes, and key responsibilities.

Our audit and strategic approach will drive the recommendations for your organisation but the plan is likely to include:

  • Learning and development for all staff around their own wellbeing and how to support others
  • Communication on what support is available and how to deal with issues
  • Leadership and management approach
  • Changes to policies, processes and procedures e.g. recruitment and retention
  • Integrating wellness into other company strategies

Not ready for the full audit, strategic approach and implementation plan?

All three stages can be done together or you can engage us to do just one of them

If you feel you need evidence and recommendations to take to senior management before developing a strategy you could ask us to conduct a Workplace Wellbeing Audit.

If you currently have lots of data and analysis but need help developing a strategic approach then we can help you to work out a strategy.

If you have a strategy but need ideas for what tactics will help embed the culture then we will assist you in devising an implementation plan.

Key benefits of a Workplace Wellbeing Strategy

  • Increase productivity: Healthy, happy employees are more productive. By promoting wellbeing, you're enabling your team to perform at their best.
  • Reduce absenteeism: Healthier employees means fewer sick days. This can lead to significant cost savings and ensure smoother operations.
  • Reduce presenteeism: A Workplace Wellbeing Strategy can help reduce presenteeism— where employees come to work but are not fully productive due to health issues or stress.
  • Boost employee engagement: When employees feel valued and supported in their wellbeing, they're more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.
  • Attract and keep talent: A strong wellbeing culture helps build your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and makes your company more attractive to potential employees and helps retain existing staff.
  • Improve your corporate reputation: Companies that prioritise employee wellbeing are seen as responsible and caring employers, enhancing their reputation among clients, customers, and potential hires.

Workplace Wellbeing Strategy pricing

The cost of our Workplace Wellbeing Strategy will be dependent on the specific needs of your organisation including size and the strength of your current data.


We are based in Birmingham but are experienced in providing virtual and face-to-face consultancy throughout the UK, depending on your organisation’s requirements.

How to book

Contact us today to discuss your Workplace Wellbeing Strategy by calling us on 0121 271 0550, emailing or contacting us here.